

Warning ! about spoofing mails

2022.9.1Press Release

Dear Valued Customers and Business Partners:

We have recently become aware that one or more unknown third parties are sending unauthorized, fraudulent scam and phishing e-mails, letters, and bank checks in the name of or on behalf of Sumitomo Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. Some of these attempted frauds have targeted law firms, with e-mails and letters sent to law firms by third parties impersonating Sumitomo Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.’s president. Such unauthorized, fraudulent e-mails and letters may attempt to obtain payments of money and/or sensitive personal or business information.
Sumitomo Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. and its personnel have nothing to do with such unauthorized e-mails and letters.
If you receive any such suspicious e-mails or letters, DO NOT RESPOND!

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